Bumps & Babes Support Group
This group welcomes expectant, new and experienced mummies (and their bumps, babes and tots), and is a great chance to make new friends, share tips and support each other without judgement (all parenting styles, feeding choices and birth choices are welcome).
There is of course coffee/tea and cake (what group would be complete without it) and a lovely, cosy play area for any siblings. Here they can safely play with items such as craft, colouring books, sensory toys and imaginary play props.
Whilst tot plays, mummy / daddy can enjoy talks from some great weekly guest speakers including:
Sling Library
Benefits of baby swimming lessons
Coping as a parent group discussion
Weaning group discussion
Calming my baby (group discussion)
Pregnancy Yoga
First Aid for babies and toddlers
Baby Massage and tummy problems by Baby Senses
Doulas (Finding one or becoming one) by Suffolk Doulas
Benefits of music for babies
Cues & Communication
Our Mission .... This group is run by Baby Senses (Ipswich) simply to cover costs (not to make profit). It is there to provide a network of support and non judgemental information. Whatever your back ground, whatever your parenting choices, whether you work or are a stay at home parent, however you are feeding, whether you co-sleep or sleep independently, this group welcomes you, and we hope it will have useful tips and support to offer. Being a parent is hard ..... We hope to make it a little easier (and at the very least, enjoy tea and cake with new friends!)