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Wriggle and Relax Massage and Yoga for Baby by Baby Senses Ipswich

Wriggle & Relax Baby Classes


Wriggle and Relax is the perfect class for your older baby, from 4 months to crawling.  It aims to maintain all of the benefits of baby massage, whilst encouraging their development and movement too!  And it is great fun!


As I am sure you are finding out, when your baby is older and more wriggly it is harder to keep baby massage going.  All they want to do is wriggle around!


In each sensory and massage based class we will;


  • Introduce music and songs to keep baby engaged and entertained

  • Use gentle baby yoga style movements and exercises

  • Learn over clothes baby massage techniques using key massage strokes

  • Have quality 1:1 time with our babies but also introduce them to chums

  • Remind our babies how to relax and be still

  • Develop their brain power (with lots of cross lateral brain gym)

  • Have fun with toys, stories and our mummies / daddies / grandparents


What else do I need to know?


  • Prebooking is required as spaces are limited

  • Each session lasts 1 hour and costs just £6

  • Includes time for a refreshment and to meet other parents/babies

  • Breast and bottle feeding is welcome

  • All babies' personalities are welcomed!


Cross lateral massage strokes (from opposite hip to shoulder for example) are just one of the ways we can use infant massage to help develop a growing tot's brain and their thinking capabilities (quite simply we help the left half of the brain talk to the right).


We can also work on improving balance (with lots of rocking and bouncing) and hand/eye co=ordination.  

Why Wriggle & Relax ...
Ipswich Baby Massage by Baby Senses

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Baby Massage Ipswich by Baby Senses
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